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How can I make sure my payment reaches you on time?

The payment due date you’ve selected during the set up process is the date by which contributions need to be cleared for a particular contribution schedule.

To avoid overdue schedules, you’ll need to make sure you allow enough time between submitting the contribution schedule and your payment due date. This is to make sure that the payments can clear in our bank in time. You can do this when you first set up your pay periods.

For Direct Debit payments you’ll get two options:

  • Pay now - We’ll collect payment within five working days from the day you’ve submitted the schedule.
  • Pay later - If you select ‘Pay later’ you’ll get an option to select a date in the future to make the payment. You’ll be able to select any date between three working days from the present day and the payment due date of the schedule.

For debit card payments, we’d recommend leaving a minimum of five working days between submitting your schedule for payment and the payment due date.

For example, if you have a payment due date of 22 April and you make a debit card payment on 20 April, the payment won’t reach us in time and the schedule will show as overdue. You’d need to have made the payment on or before 15 April for the payment to reach us before the due date.

Payment method

Clearing time

Direct Debit
  • Pay now - Usually five working days from the day of submission
  • Pay later - On the selected future date.
Debit card Most debit card payments will take up to five working days


Your contribution schedule will move to the Paid schedules area within ‘Manage contributions’ once we’ve received the total amount for all the members we’re expecting payment for.

Your schedule will remain in the Unpaid schedules area within ‘Manage contributions’ until all members are validated and the schedule is paid in full. This includes any members you haven’t paid a contribution for and haven’t provided a reason for partial or non-payment. Please see Making partial or zero contributions for more information.

Due to some changes within your organisation or payroll, you may wish to change the payment due date. You can do this by creating a new group with a revised payment due date and transfer the workers over to the new group. For more information please see How do I add a new group once I’ve set up with NEST? For transferring workers from one group to another, please see How do I change a member’s group by entering information for one member at a time into the website?

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