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How do I add users to my NEST connect account?

As a NEST connector, you can add multiple users to your account to manage NEST on behalf of your clients.

You can add users when you first set up your NEST connect account or at any stage after you’ve set up your account.

Adding users as part of NEST connect set up

When you first set up your delegate organisation account you’ll be taken to the ‘Welcome to your NEST homepage’. Click the ‘Add users’ button in the ‘What to do next’ message box.

Add users after setting up Nest connect account

Adding users after set up is complete

If you’ve already set up your NEST connect account, log into your NEST account using your username and password. On the Welcome to your NEST homepage click ‘My account details’. Then select ‘Manage users’.

Any users you’ve already set up will be listed on the Manage users page. They’ll be shown with a ‘Pending’ status until they respond to the invitation email and complete their registration. To add a new user, click ‘Add a new user’.

Add user details

The next screen will ask you to provide details of the user you want to add to your account. First you need to select what level of access you want to give to the user. There are two options in the dropdown box - super user and general user. Click on the help icon to find out more about these different types, or go to our topic What are the different types of NEST connect users? You’ll then need to complete the user’s details. Once you’ve done this, click ‘Add user’.

Enter the user's details

You'll then be asked to confirm the details you have entered for the user. If these are correct click 'Confirm'. If you need to make any amendments, click 'Edit'.

Confirm user's details

Once you confirm the details of the new user they’ll be sent an invitation email. They’ll need to accept the invitation and activate their account within 28 days from the date the email is sent or their details will be deleted from the system.

If they don’t accept the invitation within 28 days you’ll need to resend the invitation to the user.

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