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How do I edit a worker’s personal details?

If your active worker hasn’t logged in yet, you can edit their:

  • name and title
  • address
  • date of birth
  • gender

Once your worker has logged in, you’ll only be able to edit their:

  • National Insurance number
  • alternative identifier
  • eligibility for UK tax relief
  • Nest group

Workers will need to contact Nest on 0300 020 0090 and provide evidence, if necessary, to update their name, title, address, email address, date of birth and gender. 

To start editing worker’s personal details, log in and click on ‘Manage workers’.

Manage workers on Nest homepage

You’ll be able to see a list of workers enrolled into Nest.

If you’re looking for a particular worker, you can search for them by using the filter boxes for Last name, NI number or Alt. ID., then click on the ‘Apply filter’ arrow button.

Apply filter arrow button

Once you’ve found them, click on the orange arrow under View/Edit.

Orange arrow under View/Edit column

On the next page you’ll see the details we hold for the worker. Click ‘Edit details’.

Edit details under worker's details

An ‘Edit’ button will appear next to the details you can change.

Edit next to the worker's name

Once you’ve made the changes click ‘Save’.

Save the changes made

Once you’ve successfully changed these details, the worker will receive a message in their secure mailbox confirming any changes made.

Success message of worker's details changed

You can update the National Insurance number if it's incorrect or hasn’t been provided at the time of enrolment. If the National Insurance number is not provided at the time of enrolment, the tax eligibility status is marked as No by default, unless the worker is an overseas national waiting for NI number. If the worker is eligible for tax relief, you can change the tax eligibility status from No to Yes after updating the National Insurance number. You won’t be able to edit the tax rate for calculating tax relief. It will be automatically updated to Wales, England and N. Ireland or Scotland once we get the information from HMRC.

When you update a worker’s National Insurance number, you need to make sure it’s in the correct format. A National Insurance number has three parts – a prefix of two letters, six digits and a suffix of a single letter. For example, AB123456C. If we’ve received the correct National Insurance number from HMRC, we’ll update your worker’s record.

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