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What is an individual delegate?

An individual delegate is someone who you’ve set up to have access to your NEST online account. You can decide what level of access you give each delegate, for example, full access to manage the account on your behalf, or read-only access. For information on the different types of delegate roles and access levels see What is a delegate?

There are two types of delegate you can add when you’re using NEST:

  • an individual delegate – a person inside your organisation you’ve nominated to manage NEST for you
  • a delegate organisation – a third party organisation you’ve authorised to help set up or manage NEST for you, for example your accountant or financial advisor

An individual delegate can be somebody who works within your organisation or someone else such as an individual accountant.

Adding an individual delegate is different from adding a delegate organisation. If you wish to give a third party access to your account you should add them as a delegate organisation. For more information on adding a delegate organisation see How do I connect to a delegate organisation during set up? 

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